Coming Soon: Tally Spay
The Animal Shelter Foundation (ASF), a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, has begun construction of a new low cost, high volume, high quality spay & neuter clinic called “Tally Spay” at 5021 W. Tennessee St. The aim of Tally Spay is to perform a high volume of sterilization surgeries to reduce the number of intakes at the animal shelter and reduce the number of unwanted animals in the community. The clinic will serve greater Tallahassee and surrounding areas and will offer low-cost, same day surgeries. Completion is expected in early 2021 and the clinic will employ 6 professional staff to handle approximately 6,000 surgeries per year.
ASF was accepted into and is following the ASPCA Spay/Neuter Alliance Gold Standard.
ABOUT the Animal SHelter Foundation
The Tallahassee Animal Shelter Foundation, founded in 2007, is a non-profit organization. Their mission is to support the animals in the care of Tallahassee Animal Service Center (TASC), more commonly known as the Animal Shelter at Tom Brown Park. ASF provides resources to the TASC to help more homeless animals find loving forever homes, supports community-wide spay/neuter efforts to help decrease unwanted animals that end up in the shelter and promotes kindness, respect and responsible pet ownership for our furry friends.
The Animal Shelter Foundation is moving our community toward more responsible pet ownership, and we are grateful for the hundreds of individuals, families and businesses that partner with and support ASF to make this possible.
Save LiVeS
Why Spay-Neuter?
Benefits of Spay-Neuter
The most important thing to know is that spaying and neutering saves lives. All over the country shelters are overflowing with animals simply because there are more cats and dogs than there are enough people to adopt them. Spaying and neutering reduces the number of animals that end up in shelters. About half of animals in shelters across the U.S. are euthanized simply because there is no one to adopt them.
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